Clean and Comfortable Heating
Hydronic heating is great for allergy sufferers because there is no fan forced air movement associated with ducted heating. Dust, smoke, pollen and other allergens are not being circulated by warm air fan heaters so your home stays clean and airborne pathogens are reduced.
Among the most common triggers that bring on asthma symptoms are airborne dust particles. Dust particles irritate the airways and cause swelling that leads to breathing problems.
Asthma foundations around the world strongly support the installation of Hydronic systems over fan forced heating systems. Hydronic heating doesn’t use blown air to heat the room which minimises the incidence of airborne pathogens in your home.
Reducing Allergens
One of the major causes of allergies in Australia is sensitivity to dust mites and mould. Dust mites can’t live in environments with a humidity of 50% and mould requires moisture in the air to survive. By managing your humidity levels with Hydronic heating you can minimise the incidence of these allergens in your home.
Hydronic heating is vastly superior to forced air heating such as ducted systems – there are no dust traps to collect dust, no scorched air to blow it around, just clean, non-allergenic radiated warmth.
Minimising Airborne Bacteria
Panel radiators and natural convectors have a fast heat up/cool down cycle and are acknowledged by medical authorities for their ability to provide controllable heat without transference of airborne bacteria. That’s why the leading authorities on asthma recommend hydronic heating for asthma and allergy sufferers.

Creating a healthy indoor environment with low airborne allergens is one of the best ways to reduce the incidence of asthma symptoms developing.
Keep your home warm
Move to Hydronic Heating
Hydronic Heating creates free radiant heat by heating items in the room

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We Use Products From Award Winning Companies for Innovation in Energy Efficient Heating Systems
Contact Details
(Visit By Appointment Only)
Waterloo Location
3 Sam Sing St,
Waterloo NSW 2017,
Katoomba Location
49 Camp St
Katoomba New South
Wales 2780
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1300 267 583